Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blocked?.....No Pun Intended

Here we go again, frustration with my so-called new art project is so far failing me. You know the project I wanted to work on with Legos? Ya, not as easy as I thought or had hoped. What is wrong with me? Here I was diving in after over 2 years of having zero desire to work on my art or graphic design, to having inspiration and complete excitement only to end up being "blocked." I say no pun intended because of course, I was hoping to use Legos for my new project—hence, blocks. Mainly to create a relief, except my tub of Legos have been sitting side-by-side with my canvas on my dining room table for a little over 2 weeks now. 


I have these racing thoughts going through my head as I wonder what is it I want to achieve here. I know in my head what I want, but I just can't seem to execute it. It's frustrating as I am so eager to get this project going—or any project for that matter—and I am blocked, literally blocked. For the most part, I always know what I do when I'm creatively blocked with a graphic design project—and believe it or not, it always seems to work, but a fine art project such as this? I have no idea where to go, or what to do. Where do I take it? How far am I willing to go to execute this project?

It was recommended yesterday by my therapist that I should take 1–2 hour walks to my local downtown area and just sit and people watch; maybe even sketch. Keep in mind, I was never your typical artist who liked to sketch beforehand, I always just did it. Whether it's on the computer, or on a canvas, I just did it. So this is all new to me. I will sketch about nothing, possibly giving me the inspiration I so desire as I sit and watch the recent spring/summer colors on the trees, the laughing of children playing in the water fountain, and the smiles on everyone's face because the weather has turned warm—maybe those little pieces of happiness will immediately inspire me. 

Hey, it's worth a shot, right?

So today, today will be my first day attempting this task—besides, this is my homework assignment given to me by my therapist. I have a week to accomplish this "assignment." I can't let her down. Isn't this what I pay her for (or my insurance, for that matter)?

I have nothing to lose.

It'll get me out of my house, away from my video game and away from my virtual world, and into the fresh air and among people, many many people.

Wish me luck!

Bipolar Gal on Twitter

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