Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Therapy Through Art

It must be done, or I will drive myself insane. Understand, after losing my last job from the toy company over 2 years ago, my drive and creativity were completely gone. I was creatively blocked. At that point, I was ready to give up my art and design background—for who knows what. I even contemplated working at a local coffee shop just for the social interaction; hoping it would help my illness. I honestly thought I'd never look back.

Until now.

I am trying my hardest to get back into the groove of things, but I admit, a lot of what has been happening to me with recent events have prevented me from doing so. It's tough, it's literally an uphill battle for me. Even as I document these events into this blog, it has turned into an emotional turmoil for me.

Yesterday I attempted to start my "Lego" project only to be completely lost. I kept telling myself what am I doing here? Why am I starting this? Where should I go with it?

To give you an idea of what I am trying to conquer, a Lego painting or sculpture is something that has been on my mind for several months now. Something I have been wanting to create and aspire to reignite my imagination. But what shall I do? What should I create? That's the million dollar question.

Now these are not exactly what I was wanting to create, of course, as they only gave me inspiration to use Legos as part of my medium. As you will see with the images below, you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.


unknown artist
boys & girls conference table
unknown artist & kitchen countertop/bar
close-up side view of the boys & girls conference table

Now I have no desire to emulate something as difficult as a table, or even a kitchen bar, but something along the lines where it showcases the array of colors with the juxtaposition of Legos with whatever sculpture or painting I choose to create. Either way, I believe it'll convey my true emotions of how I feel with my bipolar disorder these days—scattered and colorful.

Ideas are good. Inspiration is good. Even if it's keeping a journal, or in my case now, pouring most of my thoughts and feelings into a blog. Who knows if anybody is even reading it, but at this point, I'm not doing it for someone else, I'm doing it for me. And that's the most important role I can take in my life at this time.


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